
悵望關河空弔影 2017-07-24 09:18:38
原文网址:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4665606/Jude-Law-Phillipa-Coan-attend-Tom-Stoppard-s-party.html 原文就不放了。。反正就是各种撒狗粮2333 直观的图片奉上 (2回应)

悵望關河空弔影 2017-03-13 02:02:59
A common refrain when discussing HBO's new series The Young Pope is that it's a showcase for Jude Law, who, as Pope Pius XIII, has finally shed his ingenue beginnings. It alludes to the idea that, at the start of his career, Law was lovely to look at, but offered little beyond leading-man good looks......

拈花微笑 2014-03-30 22:26:02

拈花微笑 2014-03-12 22:34:58
这已经是Jude第四次入围英国戏剧界的最高奖Olivier Awards,之前一直陪跑,但愿这次能如愿以偿~ 但是这次看起来也还是很悬,一同提名的Henry Goodman已经拿过2次Olivier。。。然后还有如日中天正当红的Tom Hiddleston。。。 颁奖礼是在4月13日,为Jude祈祷吧~@@ 完整提名名单: BEST ACTOR Henry Goodman - The ......

拈花微笑 2014-03-04 21:32:01
Daily fail说是给Jonnie Walker拍摄广告片来着,但是别的站都说不知道是神马项目 大衣真心美哭~西装挺别致的就是有点怪异。。。 以及Jude真是个在优雅与颜艺之间自由切换无缝衔接的男人。。。 (4回应)

拈花微笑 2014-03-02 22:11:11

拈花微笑 2014-03-01 23:43:51
Ruth Wilson也一起去了啊…… 又见Jude与好基友The Box老板Simon Hammerstein (1回应)

拈花微笑 2014-02-28 21:37:21

拈花微笑 2014-02-28 21:11:49
这看着简直跟母子似的,Jude一脸被麻麻教训了的熊孩子表情。。。 (1回应)

拈花微笑 2014-02-27 21:33:14

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