Pluto 42之公告栏

Pluto 42之享樂

  歌曲 播放次数 评论
卖甜酒.mp3 9
If Love is the Drug, Then I Want to O.D. 4
物非人也非的旧时光 11
东京流浪汉主题曲 58
Johnny -- Suicide 41
銀河系漫遊指南--广播劇片段 20

Pluto Panclub的日记 ( 全部 )

2011-05-20 18:36:13
"To me, making a tape is like writing a letter -- there's a lot of erasing and rethinking and starting again, and I wanted it to be a good one, because... to be honest, because I hadn't met anyone as promising as Laura since I'd started the DJing, and meeting promising women was partly what the......

Pluto Panclub的相册 ( 全部 )

Pluto Panclub

关注该小站的成员 ( 100 )

  • ein
  • Enceladus
  • cottttton
  • bibo
  • -campfire
  • FifiYU726
  • 二胖
  • 赖晓彤1993
