Eric's Office

nevercry 2012-09-02 20:24:57
This final episode of True Blood was written by none other than Alan Ball and is his last episode as showrunner. Alan spoke to TVLine about the season and also provided a sneak peek at Season 6! 《真爱如血》最终集由Alan Ball执笔,这是他作为节目运作人的最后一集。Alan同TVLine的采访谈到了这季的相关内容...... (10回应)

nevercry 2012-08-15 22:59:54
True Blood’s Bon Temps boy, Hoyt Fortenberry who has been a favorite on True Blood since episode 1 of Season 1, has been played to perfection by our good friend, Jim Parrack. Last night in the 10th episode of Season 5, we saw Hoyt say, “Goodbye” to Bon Temps and those closest to him, Jessica, Ja...... (9回应)

nevercry 2012-07-29 00:35:50
In last week’s episode we learned the identity of the hate group members with the Obama masks who go around shooting shifters. But who is their leader who goes by the mysterious, yet threatening name Dragon? Dragon is clearly the one pulling the strings, sending Joe Bob to the hospital where Luna ...... (6回应)

高田 2012-05-26 21:16:45
这是更详尽一些的剧透. 已经翻译过了. 欢迎大家热烈讨论!! --------------------------------------------------- Episode 5.01 “Turn! Turn! Turn!”, June 10 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) struggle with the aftermath of Tara’s (Rutina Wesley) shooting, while also clea...... (17回应)

柳夏 2012-05-09 13:46:47
Below are synopses for the first three episodes of True Blood Season 5. 剧透剧透!手贱请剁手哟~ Episode #5.01: “Turn! Turn! Turn!”: Sookie and Lafayette clean up the Tara and Debbie Pelt mess; Bill and Eric are visited by the Vampire Authority; Sam and Alcide deal with an angry werewolf pack. E...... (2回应)

柳夏 2011-10-25 21:14:33
怕剧透的不要进来哦!话说真的有人会怕这种剧透吗╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ It’s hard to believe, but here we are again with new casting news for True Blood’s Season 5. The casting information is after the cut: 虽然让人难以置信,不过我们真的又有真血第五季的新角色的消息了!【确切的说这是征选角色的消息 [S...... (31回应)

柳夏 2011-09-12 16:39:20
E12生肉你看了吗?让我们牵肠挂肚整整三个月的第四季就这样完结了,球叔挥挥衣袖,留下的是无数的疑问和一地的线头…… 对于刚刚播出的E12,你有什么疑惑?会想要吐槽吗?最期待下一季的什么?请留言告诉我们你的感想~ 附上TV Fanatic对于最后一集的评论原文,非常有意思,值得一看~ True Blood Season Finale Review: Tw...... (33回应)

柳夏 2011-09-12 10:28:26
虽然第四季大结局还没有播出,可TB官方已经开始在TB脸书主页上放出了新一季宣传!这对于为第四季即将结束而情绪低落的我们来说,无疑是一针强心剂啊!顿时期待满满有木有! 下面来看看官方放出的第五季宣传图! 好吧,虽然...... (11回应)

柳夏 2011-09-03 16:23:33
首先,咱们来看一看之前放出的最终集剧透【英文只有图片版…… 血,在所难免 真血粉丝们,把手帕准备起来吧!本季末万圣节血族与女巫的大乱斗中可不是每个人都得以幸存了。“最后咱们得数尸体了,”球叔说,“我们认识的、爱着的角色可不止死了一个,这怪让人震惊的。” 被Antonia附身的Marnie,她最后摊牌那一刻将是史诗...... (45回应)

柳夏 2011-08-22 15:38:23
下面的剧透主要是针对还没有看过E09生肉,在等待字幕组出翻译版的豆友~已经看完生肉的各位,来参与讨论吧~ Sookie’s latest brush with death has her dreaming of a future with both Bill and Eric – at the same time. 再次与死亡擦肩而过后,Sookie梦到了她与B叔和Eric的未来——同时拥有他们两个的未来 A posses...... (19回应)

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