
EOE VPPR 2017-06-29 17:24:52
看到EOE的小伙伴们不好好学习CC手册,点评力量青黄不接,主席Jo夜不能寐,处心积虑地策划了残酷的学习活动,不幸遭到官员们反对;最后在PP Christine的建议下,改编成了温和的“多角度点评练习赛”,经过旷日持久地招募,终于在6月25日下午,参赛人数(包括主裁判和裁判)多达7人次,顺利开赛。 比赛开始前,主裁......

EOE VPPR 2017-06-06 01:05:17
说话一针见血且让人如沐春风的能力是要练的。 Wei Shen,2015年89大区点评比赛冠军,常规会议的点评真的让听者如沐春风,欲罢不能。2017年6月4日一个炎热的雨后下午,来自深圳地区七个俱乐部的20名早鸟票持有者出席了Wei同学的The Art of Effective Evaluation工作坊。小编作为一个五年的老头马,想分享此次工作坊......

EOE VPPR 2014-11-11 15:21:02
那晚的盛况无须赘言,相信你们从朋友圈轮番轰炸的视频、照片已经能窥知一二了。现在我来补充些干货,让因为没有座位而抱憾离开或者没能来到现场的同学们也能了解这次会议的精华。 当Ryan和他的娇妻Chelsea从我的眼前走过时,有那么几秒钟像是坐在T台下面第一排的位置,扑面而来的是巴掌脸、九头身、细腰长腿的欧巴和欧尼......

EOE VPPR 2014-07-14 11:44:29
The theme of the meeting tonight was journey, the second time picked by Bob as the table topic’s “topic”. Maybe journey really means a lot to Bob. With marvelous imagination, we had a series of title such as “a long journey you like” “journey for soul” “journey to the past” “journey to s......

EOE VPPR 2014-01-17 11:41:12
Everytime when Elmore returns to EOE, it implies departure of someone who we really respect. Elmore witnessed how Wesley delivered his emotional speech and left for Philippines. Elmore witnessed how Seric delivered his emotional speech and left for the UK. Areyou ......

EOE VPPR 2014-01-10 11:56:14
A new era of EOE has unfolded. (Here should have some applause) Tonight, we have witnessed the official appearance of our new officer team, which is lead by our president Eddie "humor" Yan. Considering how important and holy officers' commitments should be, our Governor ......

EOE VPPR 2013-12-30 09:59:05
When you see this meeting minutes, Shen Wei has been our “former” president. This is the last meeting he showed up as our president, and he did make his record even more unbreakable, Lizzie left… Our family portrait on Christmas Day. Life should carry on, even without president, ......

EOE VPPR 2013-12-20 10:26:10
在圣诞前夕,深圳国际中文俱乐部和EOE Toastmaster俱乐部迎来了双方的第一次“联姻”。在这次中西合璧的演讲之夜,两个俱乐部都倾尽全力将这个寒冷的冬夜变得更冷,即我们的“冷笑话之夜”。 首先,深圳中文国际俱乐部的吕飞一出场就让大家感觉“色色发抖”,而总主持人史彦刚的旁征博引虽少了一分寒意,却多了一......

EOE VPPR 2013-12-12 14:59:11
Tonight is a special night, and it would definitely be remembered as "the night of Wesley". We arranged the best farewell to Wesley by setting the theme as "Bye, buddy!" and many members (including our dear founding member Elmore) had delivered their touching speeches about our o...... (3回应)

EOE VPPR 2013-08-19 23:55:15
Our table topic master Molly with a cute picture of her one hundred red letter day. When losing weight becomes every girl's dream, our gorgeous Michelle only wants to gain weight. June spent three and a half years and finally became who she always wants to be — a determined tanslator. Ivy......

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