
Stormmi 2012-05-13 22:08:41
2012年哈佛商学院毕业生被推荐的最后一篇阅读材料。近80岁老人的人生智慧,读后感动,勇气,伤感夹杂。 "Personal Renewal" by John Gardner Delivered to McKinsey & Company, Phoenix, AZ November 10, 1990 I'm going to talk about "Self-Renewal." One of your most fundamental tasks i......

Stormmi 2012-05-07 18:09:38
春天里,听听一艘浮船在水面上滑出寂静的眷恋~~ 点击听歌 katie melua-if you were a sailboat if you were a cowboy i would trail you, if you were a piece of wood i'd nail you to the floor. if you were a sailboat i would sail you to the shore. if you were a river i would swim you, if you were a hou......

Stormmi 2012-03-07 20:08:11
Jeff Bezos
After Amazon’s success with the Kindle and its complete dominance of e-retailing, it’s difficult to imagine that it was once a company that struggled to make a profit. It’s even harder to fathom that was exactly what Amazon’s founder and CEO Jeff Bezos planned. The company, which launched i......

Stormmi 2012-02-17 12:03:27
不要在不断的优秀里走向平庸 by William Deresiewicz 学习文学、艺术或哲学能有什么用呢?所以 你肯定纳闷,我为什么在在以科技堡垒而闻名的斯坦福提出这个问题呢?在大学学位给人带来众多机会的问题上还有什么可怀疑的吗? 但那不是我提出的问题。这里 的“做”并不是指工作,“那”并不是指你的专业。我们不仅仅是......

Stormmi 2012-02-11 22:39:19
The Road Not Taken 有声版 by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim......

Stormmi 2012-01-14 23:26:23
导读:一个有意思的人,一个有意思的想法,诞生了一个有意思的网站吸引了全世界的人。在世界金钱与权力的金字塔顶端,梅森依然保持坚定的理想主义和乐观远景: “我们做这些事情是为了让用户和商家都感到满意,我们知道市场成功将是一种副作用。” “我们一直都在对自己进行再投资。” “我们将作出一些正确的赌注,也可......

Stormmi 2012-01-12 18:38:17
导读: Martha Graham是美国最伟大的现代舞蹈家,她的身影曾经出现在苹果"Think Different"电视广告中。 这首小诗表达的意境,跟白雾在禅修中体会到的相通:没有了苛责与怀疑,完全接受自己,专注倾听内心的声音,我们才能找到来自内在真实而强大的动力。那样的状态下,不需要经过思考,就会感受到,必须行动,...... (2回应)