
试发表 其他 创作
Open Sessions Program_At the Drawing Center_NY_Aug.2017 James---------- I consider drawing to be very future oriented. For me, drawings exist at a greater level of abstraction and dematerialization than sculptures, paintings, or music. By removing most of the materiality of an image, reducing it to only lines and shapes, the artist frees the viewer...
展开 《浪间之静》 (试发表)
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《浪间之静:那里的自然需要穿越阻碍》  文:Filippo Fabrocini; 翻译:岳凌飞、远木    “空”,的观念一直是理解以往中国传统艺术的核心门钥,这对于理解孙墨青的艺术而言画作来说,几乎也一样至关重要。对于西方读者而言,“空”可以理解被看做是“为指向未知”(“unknown”),和“指向存在”(“being”)的近义词,纵然它在东方有其更多的含义,这种存在具有在...
试发表 非文学 创作
Some encounters are more significant than others. At the time of the first 55Bellechasse gallery retrospective, two young men walked into the gallery, and in an almost religious silence contemplate, the one after the other, all the photos that we had on show. After more than an hour, one of them, Moging SUN, asked in an awkward English whe...
试发表 非文学 译作
我与孙墨青第一次相识是在中国北京的清华园。一番简短地交谈过后,就去看他的作品。虽是只言片语的交流,于我而言却引发了不少期待。见到原作,它们果然与我的期待十分契合。 乡愁,一直是孙墨青艺术行旅的内在动因。他的艺术冥思,倾注于重新发现他自身文化的上游文脉。他深信,中国注定要观想世界,而非溶化为世界本身,这一点是睿智的。依我所见,他也能以世..
试发表 其他 创作
La première fois que j’ai rencontré Sun Moqing, c’était à l’Université de Tsinghua (Pékin, Chine). J’y suis allé pour regarder les travaux d’une de ses collègues. En fait, c’est elle qui m’a présenté Sun Moqing. Ma visite suivante à Tsinghua, c’était pour voir les travaux de Sun Moqing. Ils étaient absolument conformes aux attentes qui d...
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The first time I have met Sun Moqing was in Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). I went there to have a look at the works of a colleague of him. Actually it was her that presented Sun Moqing to me. Next time that I was in Tsinghua it was to have a look at the works of Sun Moqing. They were absolutely conform to the expectations coming from the few words tha...
试发表 非文学 创作
Quand vous lirez ces mots, ma pensée aura encore évolué depuis le début de mon travail que je vous expose ci-après. Les époques se retrouvent et se correspondent à travers plusieurs cas. La personne qui a peint le premier rhinocéros dans la Grotte Chauvet en France n’a probablement pas imaginé qu’elle était à l’origine du grand livre de ...
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When you read these asides, I must have felt different from what I felt when I wrote them. Days are linked by one after another happenchance intermittently. No one could have imagined that some unknown primitive man (he or she, perhaps as young as me) who drew the outline of the first rhino in the dim light of the torches in the Chauvet... (1回应)
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在你们读到这些旁白的时候,我的心情一定已经和写下它们时大不相同了。 日子被一个又一个偶然断续着串起,某个不知姓名的原始人在法国肖韦洞窟里,借着火把的微光勾勒出第一头犀牛的时候,大概想象不到是他——她,或许他和我一样年轻,最早翻开了人类艺术的大书。 在我的故乡中国,曾经有一种书画形式已经延续了不少于一千五百年的历史,那就是“卷”。曾几...