
港中大人類學系 2013-09-23 20:28:45
主講人:Dr. LING Minhua Assistant Professor, Centre for China Studies, The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong “City Cowherds”: Migrant Youth Coming of Age on China’s Peri-Urban Edge 13 September 2013 In 2010, there were more than 21 million second-generation internal migrants in China. One out of t......

港中大人類學系 2013-04-27 20:53:58
主講:WU Kaming Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK The speaker talked about her research on ceremonial female usherettes. These women exist in many contexts, such as the signing ceremonies for businesses, but Wu focused only on the group of women who serve at ...... (3回应)

港中大人類學系 2013-03-26 10:38:21
主讲:任珏 香港中文大学性别研究博士候选人 乡村社会发展一直是中国研究的重要课题。任珏以华中地区农村为田野点,从日常科技、特别是信息科技(电脑、手机)进入中国农村社会的视角检视农村发展政策的影响,并探讨农村社会在信息化时代的新变化。 作为促进农村经济社会发展的重要国家政策,今年初方才正式停止的家电下...... (10回应)

港中大人類學系 2013-02-27 22:08:03
主講:Dr. Trang X. TA Lecturer, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University, and Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Hong Kong How to understand the meanings of “hope” (and “hopelessness”) with an anthropological approach? Does it only make sense in personal...... (1回应)

港中大人類學系 2013-02-19 20:04:20
主講: Dr. Veronica Mak Part-time Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, CUHK It was interesting to listen to Dr. Mak’s talk a week after Sidney Mintz had received the Franz Boas Award for Exemplary Service to Anthropology at the 2012 American Anthropological Association Meeting. His “Sweetness and...... (3回应)

港中大人類學系 2013-02-01 14:07:09
主講:范可教授 南京大學人類學研究所所長 釣魚島爭端、南海問題、臺灣問題、新疆問題、“兵不厭詐”全與信任有關?范可教授教授從信任角度分析了族群、認同和“他者”。他旁證博引,先梳理了經典社會理論家的思想中對“信任”的討論,凃爾干對社會團結與社會整合的討論就含有“信任”的意味,心理學家Erikesen提出認同的......

港中大人類學系 2013-01-29 16:19:04
主講:麻國慶教授 中山大學人類學系系主任 近年南海局勢再度緊張,吸引了不少學者對該區域的關注。麻國慶教授提出“環南中國海”的概念,從文化和社會網絡的維度,反思已有的區域研究並提出新思路。 麻國慶教授通過梳理環南中國海區域的歷史變遷脈絡,展示了該區域一直以來的高度的多樣性和複雜性:頻密的人口流動、多族...... (1回应)

港中大人類學系 2012-12-20 19:44:01
主講:李楠 香港中文大學博士候選人 原文地址:http://anthrocuhk.blogspot.hk/2012/12/invited-seminar.html 李楠在其演讲“流动中的边界:朝鲜族跨国移工妇女的性别角色与认同”中,对“跨国母职的具体操作”进行了深入的探讨。 李楠05年、09年两次赴延边地区及韩国首尔进行田野调查。改革开放以来,跨国人口流动控制放...... (8回应)

港中大人類學系 2012-12-19 19:31:08
主講:Dr. Thomas S. WEISNER Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Psychitry & Biobehavioral Sciences (NPI Semel Institute), UCLA 原文地址: http://anthrocuhk.blogspot.hk/2012/12/invited-seminar-culture-as-most.html Professor Thomas Weisner, a psychiatrist and anthropologist fr......

港中大人類學系 2012-12-01 18:03:02
主講:Dr. Wai-chi CHEE Part-time Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, CUHK 原文地址: http://anthrocuhk.blogspot.hk/2012/12/invited-seminar-teenage-immigrant.html In recent years, due to the sharp decrease in student enrolments in the mainstream schools in Hong Kong, immigrant students from Mainla...... (2回应)