Andrew Solomon: 抑郁,我们共享的秘密(一)

bymbrofeng 2014-02-07 15:02:05

2014-02-07 19:57:51 Sistine (流与构)


2014-02-07 20:10:17 Sistine (流与构)

The next day I started with the medications and the therapy. And I also started reckoningwith this terrible question: If I'm not the tough person who could have made it through a concentration camp, then who am I? And if I have to take medication, is that medication making me more fully myself, or is it making me someone else? And how do I feel about itif it's making me someone else?



2014-02-07 20:12:35 Sistine (流与构)


2014-02-08 12:55:10 异域_Rosaria (打倒软绵绵!)


2014-02-10 08:16:58 妖精小鼠宝贝儿
例如这一段。。。不好意思我想吐槽,或者说是对这段的翻译者的阅读过程提出质疑: The next day 例如这一段。。。不好意思我想吐槽,或者说是对这段的翻译者的阅读过程提出质疑: The next day I started with the medications and the therapy. And I also started reckoningwith this terrible question: If I'm not the tough person who could have made it through a concentration camp, then who am I? And if I have to take medication, is that medication making me more fully myself, or is it making me someone else? And how do I feel about itif it's making me someone else? 第二天我开始吃药并进行治疗。同时,我也开始考虑这个可怕的问题:如果我并不是一个坚强的能够穿越一个集中营的人,那我到底是谁?如果我必须吃药,那些药就真的可以让我觉得自我得到了满足吗?或者这些会让我成为其他人吗?又或者如果这让我成为其他人,我的感受又是如何呢? 一个抑郁症患者描述病态的自我时是充满痛苦和矛盾的,这一话里表达了他最担心的一个问题:我知道自己的状态不对,但是如果改变了这个状态的“我”,又如何能证明改变后的“我”是真正的自我? 完全没有领会言语之间这种挣扎和痛苦。 ... Sistine


2014-02-10 09:23:44 繁星×雨国八月 (海月の虚空に秋凉し时鸟)


2014-02-10 12:35:44 Citron (*Anti Heuristic)

bipolar illness似乎不该翻译成双重疾病吧…这个不是很make sense的感觉。大概直接翻译成双相情感障碍更妥当些?

2014-02-10 14:51:44 surely

帮捉虫 供参考

I would come home and I would see the red light flashing on my answering machine, and instead of being thrilled to hear from my friends, I would think, "What a lot of people that is to have to call back." Or I would decide I should have lunch, and then I would think, but I'd have to get the food out and put it on a plate and cut it up and chew it and swallow it, and it felt to me like the Stations of the Cross
比起听从我朋友的激励,我更想回到家里或者想看到红色的灯光 闪烁在我的回答机器(电话?)上。我要思考,“为什么有这么多人必须要回电话”或者我必须要决定我要吃午饭。进而我会想,尽管如此,我还是必须带着我的食 物出去然后把它们放在一个盘子上然后切开它们并且咀嚼吞咽它们。而这些令我觉得就像一幅耶稣受难像。

And one of the things that often gets lost in discussions of depression is that you know it's ridiculous. You know it's ridiculous while you're experiencing it. You know that most people manage to listen to their messages and eat lunch and organize themselves to take a shower and go out the front door and that it's not a big deal, and yet you are nonetheless in its grip and you are unable to figure out any way around it. And so I began to feel myself doing less and thinking less and feeling less. It was a kind of nullity.
我 们在讨论抑郁时常常摸不着头脑的事情之一是,你抑郁时明知你经历的很荒诞。你明白大部分人能够听语音留言,吃午饭,洗澡,走去前门,而且这些事儿都没什么 大不了。然而,你就是逃不出它的掌心,找不到任何头绪。我开始感到自己做得少,想得少,感受也减少了。它就是一种空无。

People think of depression as being just sadness. It's much, much too much sadness, much too much grief at far too slight a cause.
人们把抑郁症仅仅看作是一种忧伤的情绪。但实际上在细微的缘由中包含了更多的忧伤和悲伤的情 绪。

2014-03-04 00:48:26 冯等等 (吹落山上雪,一身都是月)
帮捉虫 供参考 I would come home and I would see the red light flashing on my answering 帮捉虫 供参考 I would come home and I would see the red light flashing on my answering machine, and instead of being thrilled to hear from my friends, I would think, "What a lot of people that is to have to call back." Or I would decide I should have lunch, and then I would think, but I'd have to get the food out and put it on a plate and cut it up and chew it and swallow it, and it felt to me like the Stations of the Cross 比起听从我朋友的激励,我更想回到家里或者想看到红色的灯光 闪烁在我的回答机器(电话?)上。我要思考,“为什么有这么多人必须要回电话”或者我必须要决定我要吃午饭。进而我会想,尽管如此,我还是必须带着我的食 物出去然后把它们放在一个盘子上然后切开它们并且咀嚼吞咽它们。而这些令我觉得就像一幅耶稣受难像。 这段小错有点多,试着译了一下: 当我回到家看到电话录音机上的红灯,我不会因朋友的来电而感到兴奋,而是会想“有这么一堆人需要回复啊(真让人心烦)”。或者当我决定我应该吃个午饭,我会想,我得把食物拿出来、然后放进盘子、然后切碎食物、然后咀嚼食物、然后吞咽食物,这一系列程序对我来说如同耶稣被钉上十字架的苦路。 And one of the things that often gets lost in discussions of depression is that you know it's ridiculous. You know it's ridiculous while you're experiencing it. You know that most people manage to listen to their messages and eat lunch and organize themselves to take a shower and go out the front door and that it's not a big deal, and yet you are nonetheless in its grip and you are unable to figure out any way around it. And so I began to feel myself doing less and thinking less and feeling less. It was a kind of nullity. 我 们在讨论抑郁时常常摸不着头脑的事情之一是,你抑郁时明知你经历的很荒诞。你明白大部分人能够听语音留言,吃午饭,洗澡,走去前门,而且这些事儿都没什么 大不了。然而,你就是逃不出它的掌心,找不到任何头绪。我开始感到自己做得少,想得少,感受也减少了。它就是一种空无。 这段第一句我的理解不太一样,这段其实揭示了抑郁情绪中人尽管很明白但是还是会无法开始做任何事,然后引起更糟糕的焦虑情绪,试译如下: 关于抑郁症的讨论中常被忽视的一点是,你知道抑郁是件荒谬的事。当你经历抑郁的时候你清楚这很荒谬。你明白大多数人都能做到去听电话留言,吃午饭,去冲个淋浴然后出门,而这些也都不是什么难事,但你就是摆脱不了抑郁的控制找不到出路。然后我开始做的越来越少想的越来越少感觉也变得迟钝。这就成了一种无所事事。 (然后焦虑就来了) People think of depression as being just sadness. It's much, much too much sadness, much too much grief at far too slight a cause. 人们把抑郁症仅仅看作是一种忧伤的情绪。但实际上在细微的缘由中包含了更多的忧伤和悲伤的情 绪。 这段觉得不够准确,没把抑郁时会把一点小事放大为巨大的负面情绪表现出来,试译如下: 人们(一般会)认为抑郁不过是感到难过。(但事实上)抑郁是仅仅对于一点点小事,就感到非常非常的难过,非常非常的悲哀。 ... surely


2014-03-04 09:15:17 surely
好吧,你第一段也译得好好 好吧,你第一段也译得好好 冯等等


2014-03-18 17:29:22 冯等等 (吹落山上雪,一身都是月)


2014-05-21 11:37:50 sgt.fuzzy


2014-06-16 14:31:28 气泡Gelato (忍无可忍,从头再忍)

lithium 碳酸锂是抗抑郁和bipolar illness的药物

2014-10-24 09:12:23 lettuce (据说苗长得像我 0_o)


2014-10-24 09:30:37 lettuce (据说苗长得像我 0_o)

“One of the people I talked to when I was trying to understand this was a beloved friend who I had known for many years, and who had had a psychotic episode in her freshman year of college, and then plummeted into a horrific depression. She had bipolar illness, or manic depression, as it was then known. And then she did very well for many years on lithium,and then eventually, she was taken off her lithium to see how she would do without it, and she had another psychosis, and then plunged into the worst depression that I had ever seen in which she sat in her parents' apartment, more or less catatonic, essentially without moving, day after day after day.
我 在交谈时试图了解这个我已经认识多年的朋友。她大学一年级曾罹患精神疾病,然后暴跌至可怕的抑郁症。她有双重疾病,或躁狂抑郁症,就像在那时所知道的一 样。但是她在(锂中?)多年表现良好,最终,她被带离了她的(锂?),看看没有这些她会怎样。她患有另一种精神疾病,然后陷入了我所见过的最糟糕的抑郁 症,我曾看见她一天又一天的坐在她的父母的公寓,或多或少的呈现出紧张性精神症,而且基本上从不运动。”

这段应该是说她后来又复发。然后“without moving”应该是字面意思“不动”,“一动不动地待在公寓”这样。


2014-11-09 02:35:48 哈利路费™ (电影木有床戏的神马的太讨厌了!)
