TO AN ISLE IN THE WATER 去到水中的小岛 (试发表)

W.B.Yeats 叶芝选译 (诗歌 译作) 第2章 共15章
TO AN ISLE IN THE WATER Shy one, shy one, Shy one of my heart, She moves in the firelight Pensively apart. She carries in the dishes And lay them in a row. To an Isle in the water With her would I go. She carries in the candles And lights the curtained room. Shy in the doorway, And shy in the gloom, And shy as a rabbit, Helpful and shy. To an Isle in the water With her would I fly. --W.B.Yeats 《去到水中的小岛》 害羞的她,害羞的她, 我的害羞的心上人, 她在炉火映照下 满怀心事地转开了身。(走出了门) 她拿来一些菜碟子, 把它们只只排好。 我要带她一块儿去, 去到水中的小岛。 她又拿来些烛火, 照亮这幕遮的小屋, 她却害羞地站在门洞里, 害羞地站在那幽暗处, 害羞得像只小兔子, 她可能干却害臊。 我要带她一块儿飞, 飞到水中的小岛。
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