The Chaos的日记

九十年代废物 2012-05-30 19:20:03
我们的鼓手陈哥明天明天即将启程,奔赴大洋彼岸的美帝国去了。愿陈哥一路平安,顺利到达美国。并把the chaos的音乐带到美国,让美帝国主义的人民也能听到来自中国的punk音乐。希望陈哥回来后能把美帝的punk精华带回国内。使大家共同学习,共同进步。the chaos从今起没有鼓手了,所以在这特向广大喜爱punk音乐的朋友通知:th...... (7回应)

杨先生 2012-03-13 20:03:06
感谢一直支持我们的兄弟姐妹! 乐队正在录制小样 排练 创作新作品 期间 在2012我们会努力做好音乐 回馈支持我们喜欢我们的人 春暖花开 朋克即将归来! 期待吧 兄弟们 依然举起拳头 对一切不平说 滚蛋! (5回应)

九十年代废物 2011-11-17 21:54:31
television broadcasting the flourishing,everythings seems harmonious some people death no reason but you will never know people think living without war they content with the GOV so they never wanna rebel against,for their freedom for their rights need gun!need bravery! FIGHT BACK!FIGHT BACK! for t......

九十年代废物 2011-11-13 12:32:15
tell me girl what you want to have tell me girl what i can do i have no money i have no car i just only have rock‘n'roll i can't buy you LV bag i have to sing a song for you you say you want to have a travel and you ask me where can we go i love rock‘n'roll tell me where we go i lo......