
《引爆安静的苏州》2015专辑 ( 全部 )

《引爆安静的苏州》2015 ( 全部 )



  歌曲 播放次数 评论
01 谁的你|猫头音 乐队 26
02 I Thank God That I Don't Need You|韩洋 15
03 Ya Never Know|Pyroglyphix圣火令 乐队 14
04 There's A Light|Matt Thackray Band 16
05 Here I Wait For You|Idle Hands 11
06 Waiting|TBAS 10
07 Demons in the sky|SuZhou Seven 13
08 鸭乌岭|优雅的迟到者 乐队 14
09 乐队源流考(2010Live)|怡红院 乐队 19
10 Money Is Love|Surging Waves 12
11 6117脑震荡|Jazz Master 乐队 11
13 The Machines Are Taking Over|Dave Matthews 5


  • Dave Matthews

  • Matt Thackray Band

  • Surging Waves

  • TBAS

  • SuZhou 7

  • Luke

  • Idle Hands

  • 韩洋

  • Pyroglyphix圣火令 乐队

  • 怡红院 乐队

  • Jazz Master 乐队

  • 优雅的迟到者 乐队

  • 猫头音 乐队


1人 喜欢
2016-01-26 16:36:53
韩洋,来自东北的新苏州人,自幼学钢琴,后自学吉他 豆瓣音乐人网址http://site.douban.com/lightcurve/ 网易云音乐人网址http://music.163.com/#/album?id=3315755 在苏州曾任魔方爵士大乐队队长,演奏blues和jazz音乐,现在杭州做创业项目“麦爸”app。
2016-01-26 16:35:22
怡红院 乐队
怡红院乐队 苏州本地独立摇滚乐团 做有思想的音乐 与你共勉 The band of Yihongyuan, Suzhou local indie rock band, there are thinking of the music, and you said. 歌曲信息: 歌名:《乐队源流考》-怡红院乐队 2010年摇滚苏州四周年庆现场录音@WAVE LIVEHOUSE 乐队小站
2016-01-26 16:32:37
Surging Waves
The Surging Waves( 沧浪之音) are an experimental rock band based in Suzhou, China. Since foundation in Spring 2011, the band have being rocking out venues such as Mao Livehouse and Yuyintang in Shanghai and Wave Livehouse in Suzhou regularly and their third album, "Harmonic Rush" was rele......
2016-01-26 16:29:25
Pyroglyphix圣火令 乐队
Pyroglyphix圣火令 圣火令是一支活跃于中国苏州,融合了摇滚、电子、流行和嘻哈元素的乐队。 乐队最初由来自英国的童年伙伴MC Tom和吉他手 Duff组建,随着鼓手 Danny(英国)、贝司手 刘潇 (中国)、MC Mark(加拿大)和歌手 Samantha(美国)的加入,乐队增强了音乐的律动,以及电子元素和声乐结合的独特表现。几年来,疯狂的现......
2016-01-26 16:25:59
Matt Thackray Band
Matt Thackray is a singer-songwriter/musician from Sydney, Australia currently residing in Suzhou, China. Matt released his first EP 'Never Know' in 2013, and released his second EP ‘There’s A Light’ in March, 2015 . With songs reflecting Mat's experiences living in two very different places and ......
2016-01-26 16:24:40
SuZhou Seven
The Suzhou Seven The Suzhou Seven are a project featuring American singer/songwriter Tom Leech, The Surging Waves and bassist Ian Malloy . Tom’s golden voice and eerie lyrics have brought comparisons with Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed, and Nick Cave amongst others.
2016-01-26 16:23:05
Jazz Master 乐队
Jazz Master Jazz Master is a Drum and Bass project started by local Suzhou musician Liu Xiao and Victor Vicari from Italy. The sound created is an acid mixture of jazz core and rock. Thanks to the maestry and creativity of the two players, every tune is highly distinctive and innovative. 这是一支......
2016-01-26 16:19:40
LUKE IS A ONE MAN BAND FROM SUZHOU CHINA. LIKE Shoegazeing,Postrock,folk,metal,etc ,luke is a world of dreamland in his dream.
2016-01-26 16:18:40
The Beat Appreciation Society have been a mainstay on the Suzhou music scene for 6 years, releasing 4 eclectic albums along the way. Waiting', was written as a filler for their 3rd album, Traditionally Modern. Featuring Rich Moreton on guitar/vocals, Yuki Kame on bass, Nick Topoluk on keys, Jim 'Smo......
Sound Art is Job !
Rock Band is Life !
流派摇滚 Rock
唱片公司:ANTENNA Muisc

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