保罗柯艾略九月七日博文:为什么将人留到第六日 Why leave man to the sixth day (试发表)

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Why leave man to the sixth day by Paulo Coelho on September 7, 2012 A group of wise men gathered to discuss the work of God; they wanted to know why he had left it to the sixth day to create man. “He thought about first organizing the Universe well, so that we could have all the marvels available to us,” said one of them. “First of all He wanted to run some tests on animals, so that He would not make the same mistakes with us,” argued another. One wise Jew showed up at the meeting. They told him the theme of the discussion: “in your opinion, why did God leave it to the last day to create man?” “Very simple,” commented the wise man. “So that when we were moved by pride, we would remember that even a simple mosquito enjoyed priority in the work of the Divine.” 参考译文: 为什么将人留到第六日 一群聪明人聚在一起讨论上帝的杰作;他们想知道为什么他将创造人留到了第六日。 “他想先让宇宙秩序井然,这样才能让我们拥有所有的奇迹。”一个人说。 “他要先在动物身上做些试验,才不会在我们身上犯同样的错误。”另一个人有不同意见。 一个聪明的犹太人出现在集会上。人们告诉他讨论的主题:“你的观点是什么?为什么上帝要到第六日才创造人?” “很简单”,犹太人回答,“只有这样,我们才会在被骄傲冲昏头脑时记起,即使是一只小小的蚊子都在神的创造中享有优先权。” (转载请注明出处)
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本作品版权属于作者保罗. 柯艾略 Paulo Coelho,并受法律保护。除非作品正文中另有声明,没有作者本人的书面许可任何人不得转载或使用整体或任何部分的内容。
最后更新 2012-09-11 16:55:27