大红袍的日记 ( 全部 )

2012-07-30 13:19:35
THE SOUND IS LOUD 声音响亮 You must by my side 你必须站在我这边 Today you have to compensate me 今天你要补偿我的一切 I will turn your humble life 我要颠覆你卑微的人生 somebody let me down 有些人让我很失望 somebody want me to go to hell 更有些人想让我下地狱 somebody let me down 有些人让我很失望 some......
2012-07-30 13:19:11
There is only one me in this world ? 在这个世界上只有一个我? Real and unreal which is me 真实的和不真实的哪个才是我 Survival and destruction are ALL mine 生存和毁灭都是我的 I've never existed and never died 我从未存在也从未消亡 No one knows my true colors 没人知道我真正的颜色 Bitchy dream is my......
2012-07-30 13:18:45
Eternal pain 永恒的痛 the end of the road 路的尽头 Been drained of life 被耗尽的生命 Inability to cry 无力哭泣 Dawn was crushed 黎明被击碎 Faith is washed away 信仰被洗刷 Everything into a joke 当一切都变成了笑话 Alive is your curse 活着就是你的诅咒 You will never get anything 你终将失去所有 You wil......
2012-07-30 13:18:22
Nightmare hangs over the bloody night 噩梦笼罩着血腥的夜晚 Desire controls the fucking rights 欲望控制着那些操蛋的权利 Holy face has been dissolved 圣洁的面庞已经粉碎 The sin depraves with you 你将与罪 一起坠落 Our Father in heaven   hallowed be your name Your kingdom come your will be......
2012-07-30 13:18:07
forward 刃 Toward the direction of the dawn 对着黎明的方向 Using a sharp attitude 用一个锋利的态度 Warsong pine-woods 战歌回响的丛林 Warriors blood boiling already 勇士们早已血脉喷张 battle 战斗 Blood bring a sword sharper 鲜血润过的刀剑更加锋利 Fighters traverse the barren land 战士们踏过贫......
2012-07-30 13:17:37
If I knew all cruel things 如果我知道一切残酷的事情 I'll use it as a religion 我会把他视如一种宗教 If I remembered all bastard 如果我记得所有的混蛋 I'll let them bleed to death 我将让他们流血致死 If I got a sharp sword 如果我有一柄利刃 I'll put it plugged into your heart 我将用它刺穿你的胸膛 I......
2012-07-30 13:16:50
saw 锯 Through your illusion 穿越你的幻想 now 现在 Block retreat 无法逃脱 Smokey gray 灰色的烟雾 the blind side 盲目的方向 kill us all by fear 用恐惧杀掉我们 Featherweight shadow 轻舞的影子 Blood gushed out from behind 血从背后溅出 Wielded by blade dance 刃舞 Put your free from the pain 让你从痛苦......
2012-06-27 16:38:47
http://dagon-power.forum-lunjian.com/forum 大红袍乐队论坛正式成立啦,欢迎大家注册 踊跃发帖~~!!!!!!我们还在建设当中 可能会遇到一些问题 多多包涵!!!!如果有问题 可在这里提出。

关注该小站的成员 ( 1385 )

  • 在路上的背包
  • 瑰玫
  • Yolk申
  • 山阴路马道街
  • 失去拥有
  • KG
  • "77ˇ.
