日记本儿/Blog ( 全部 )

2019-08-05 00:11:10
以下是来自寂静猫的一篇问候: 下个月七号就是我们上一张专辑出版三周年了,我翻了一下硬盘的记录,上一次我们为Wanderlust这个项目做歌儿还是2017年1月,快三年没有开启这个项目了。 托前东家的福,允许我们一场推广演出都不做,而只发专辑,也是难为他们了。外面看可能是保持一种所谓神秘感,但是周围朋友们都知道其实...... (5回应)
2016-08-25 04:12:07
Movin' Up单曲封面
硬广一枚: Wanderlust新专首支单曲将于2016年8月25日上午十点由大福音乐发布,届时敬请收听! 链接如下:https://music.douban.com/subject/26861632/ 引用大福的介绍如下: 阔别五年,Wanderlust终于带着双CD专辑《Neo-Taste》回归。   B级片、Cult文化、性别倒错、文化与宗教史等一直是Wanderlust所感兴趣的......
2013-11-23 11:30:23
Dialogue from <Telstar (1999 film)> Con O'Neill & James Corden Intro from Billericay Dickie - Ian Dury Bass intro from Lee Morgan's "The Sidewinder" - Bob Cranshaw (not sample, Imitating) Piano from Song for My Father - Horace Silver (not sample, Imitating) "Hush Now" f......
2013-05-19 19:49:56
Moving up the patience about the making of emotion I see every cradle’s breathing in the street. Broken Jewelries’ throwing out to the corner in vacation All you need is a grabbing hand with sneaky cheat. Moving up Bet you got no temptation Moving up Lost the loa with sensation Moving up They rep......
2013-05-15 00:04:50
I saw the broken gem In the rental office He got to puke in time For sure no one will mind him “He took a part of my heads” “I did” “Stolen the wealth with my bait” “I realize” “Show her how precious of mine” “I will” “Satisfaction won’t be blind” “But I just take the Fragment of h......


噪不噪,就看这一发!!! 来自 bgt 2012-09-04 13:48
~~~ 来自 寂静猫WISEFAKE 3 2011-08-18 16:36
有人去看首演了没? 来自 寂静猫WISEFAKE 5 2011-06-05 19:51
Hey, Lotus, I saw your show in Tianjin's 1... 来自 eddy.chin 2010-10-10 05:16
兰州主办方葵live house欢迎你们来兰州 来自 天刚蒙 蒙谅 1 2010-10-04 09:33
喜欢Jumping Cake 来自 | 1 2010-10-04 09:33
原来左玮玩的是这个 来自 羁世 5 2010-05-30 16:29
天津后朋 来自 林度 27 2010-05-18 19:08
感觉很好 来自 Disappear 3 2009-10-17 06:52
哥们,我也天津的~~~~~ 来自 LaoLee 1 2009-09-30 11:43
昨晚演出 来自 寂静猫WISEFAKE 4 2009-09-06 18:29
天津的朋友们多多支持 来自 哇咔咔咔咔咔 7 2009-08-16 16:43
谢谢关注 来自 寂静猫WISEFAKE 2 2009-06-19 20:53

广播板儿/Broadcast ( 全部 )


A Script with Filter (Bedroom Sessions 2019-2021)
Wanderlust / 专辑 / 2022-04-29 / Wanderlust / 数字(Digital)




@Wanderlust乐队 的微博: -XXXX-full ver. vide....

-XXXX-full ver. video soon Wanderlust乐队的微博视频

成员刘頔 / 左玮
流派电子 Electronica
风格Artpop / Electronic / Exotica / Comedy

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