
X.L.F. 2010-05-17 17:44:26
not the ancient craft born in the han dynasty but the craft of today born in beijing where the word means friends crystalline and inseparable now an exquisite synergy of sound heated to a thousand degrees cooled with deft finesse and sculpted for your ears embrace the artistry get intimate

X.L.F. 2010-05-17 17:42:35
职业DJ+视听盛宴+潮流男女+适度酒精≠rave party


X.L.F. 2010-05-10 15:17:05
由点废成绿环保组织和“针”共同推出的INTRO 2010环保公益宣传片。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcxNDk4MjY4.html 在INTRO电子音乐节上我们提倡: 饮料杯重复使用并将有相应奖励。 将垃圾分类投放,可回收垃圾将作为再生资源。 尽量环保出行,如坐公交、地铁或骑自行车。 感谢大家支持! 针刺疗法 点废成绿 (1回应)

X.L.F. 2010-04-30 17:44:09
Lost in intro 2010 Track list: Lost in Intro 2010 (Compilation & Mixed by X.L.F.) Genre : Electronica Time : 57:40 Min Tittle ...... (1回应)

X.L.F. 2010-03-15 16:10:41
Lost in intro 2010 Lost in intro 2010 Acupuncture Records DJ Mix - X.L.F. @ Club Lantern Soft Opening Acupuncture Records DJ Mix - X.L.F. @ Club Lantern Soft Opening Acupuncture Records DJ Mix 一 Spooked Halloween 2009 (Compilation & Mixed by X.L.F.) Acupuncture Records DJ Mix 一 Spooked Hall...... (7回应)

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