
carlos__li 2013-02-04 17:01:47
译趣社区,翻译论坛,英文小说, 自己拯救自己
【内容提要】- 财富圣经:启动你成功的潜质 什么是“成功”?“成功”的标志是什么?怎样开拓自己的“成功之路”?这将是《财富圣经》要与读者共同探讨的话题。 在书中,作者列举了许多出身于不同阶层、有着不同生活背景的人,通过不懈努力,最终取得非凡成就的事例,启发人们在注重创造物质财富的同时,也应对自己的心灵......

carlos__li 2013-02-04 16:56:51
内容简介 The Jungle is a 1906 novel written by author and journalist Upton Sinclair. Sinclair wrote the novel to highlight the plight of the working class and to show the corruption of the American meatpacking industry during the early-20th century. The novel depicts in harsh tones poverty, absence......

carlos__li 2013-02-04 16:53:56
内容简介 Book description: The Bell Jar is American writer and poet Sylvia Plath's only novel, which was originally published under the pseudonym "Victoria Lucas" in 1963.The novel was published under Plath's name for the first time in 1966 and was not published in the United States unti......

carlos__li 2013-01-31 17:12:17
The Golden Bowl is a 1904 novel by Henry James. Set in England, this complex, intense study of marriage and adultery completes what some critics have called the "major phase" of James' career. The Golden Bowl explores the tangle of interrelationships between a father and daughter and thei......

carlos__li 2013-01-31 17:05:04
内容介绍 本书是英国著名小说家、诗人劳伦斯最后的一部长篇小说。本书讲的是,康妮(康斯坦斯的爱称)嫁给了贵族地主查泰莱为妻,但不久他便在战争中负伤,腰部以下终身瘫痪。在老家中,二人的生活虽无忧无虑,但却死气沉沉。庄园里的猎场守猎人重新燃起康妮的爱情之火及对生活的渴望,她经常悄悄来到他的小屋幽会,尽情享受......

carlos__li 2013-01-31 17:00:31
内容简介 《谁动了我的奶酪》(Who Moved My Cheese?),生动的阐述了“变是唯一的不变”这一生活真谛,据说已经成为全世界最畅销的书。或许每一个人看完的感受都不一样,但千万不要说这个道理我懂,如果那样就说明你依然惧怕改变自己。 《谁动了我的奶酪?》的作者斯宾塞·约翰逊博士是一位美国医生、心理学家、也是著名......

carlos__li 2013-01-31 16:47:19
内容简介 积极思考的力量(The Power of Positive Thinking", 这本书是诺曼.文森特.皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale)博士著的,1952 年头版, 至今畅销,到1978年再版时,已译成41种文字,全球销量2000万册。他是个牧师,作家,教育家,曾主持纽约市马柏大教堂达52年之久。著有“人生光明面” 等40多本畅销书。他最受欢迎......

carlos__li 2013-01-30 14:28:18
译趣社区 翻译论坛 英文小说
内容简介······ Contains Ford Madox Ford's four Tietjens novels, "Some Do Not" (1924), "No More Parades" (1925), "A Man Could Stand Up" (1926), and his afterthought, "The Last Post" (1928), in one volume as the author originally intended. Parade's End ......

carlos__li 2013-01-30 14:07:25
译趣社区 翻译百科 翻译资料
内容简介······ 《心灵鸡汤》杰克·坎菲尔、马克·汉森创作。是世界上最畅销的系列读物之一,以其简短、精炼的语言为读者讲述了一个个充满哲理的小故事。作者选文一直遵照的准则为:以浅显的语言表达着人间真情;以至深的情感述说着五彩人生;在每一个角落把真情的火炬点燃;让每一缕清香在尘世间流传;让真情在心......

carlos__li 2013-01-30 13:51:25
内容简介······ Keys to success is a small and short book in which Napoleon Hill teaches his success philosophy. The essence of the success philosophy is the 17 principles of success. Hill worked a whole lifetime on his success philosophy and did teach it in many forms. One of the most famou......