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2022-03-05 18:08:35
2021-09-24 11:14:37
都是“有趣”,区别在哪儿? You are funny 你真可笑 funny 是“有趣的”,但这种有趣带着滑稽的意味,比方说小丑在台上逗观众笑,就常常要做滑稽的动作,那小丑的这种“有趣”就可以用 funny。 所以如果夸人有趣说 You are funny,对方可能会生气,心想我怎么就滑稽可笑了呢? I don't think it's funny. 我觉得这没......
2021-09-22 10:57:21
sweet tooth≠甜牙 have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食 sweet tooth 字面上看是“甜甜的牙齿”,但其实表示“爱吃甜食”。 最开始时,人们用 tooth 来形容食物好吃,久而久之,就用 sweet tooth 来表示“爱吃甜食的嗜好”。 have a sweet tooth 就是说有爱吃甜食的嗜好,也就是“爱吃甜食”。 I have the biggest sweet too......
2021-09-18 12:14:40
apples and oranges 是啥? apples and oranges 风马牛不相及,截然不同 apples and oranges 字面上看是“苹果和橙子”,但其实这个短语常常被拿来形容完全不同的事情。 毕竟,就像风马牛不相及一样,苹果和橙子也的确是截然不同的嘛。 Men and women are apples and oranges. 男性和女性截然不同。 be like chalk a......
2021-09-15 08:57:29
“肉太老”不能用 old 哦 The meat is tough /tʌf/ 肉太老 “肉太老”要用到的形容词不是 old 而是 tough,它表示的是肉太老,既不好切,也嚼不动。 The meat is tough. It's so hard to chew. 这肉太老了,非常难嚼。 be overcooked 煮得太久了 肉太老可能是因为煮得太久了,“煮得太久”用英语说就是 be overc......

模仿空间 ( 全部 )

2020-03-26 11:25:54
【教父】角色模仿,教父跟纽约五大家族和谈结语 You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance going to bring your son back to you? Or my boy to me? I forgo the vengeance of my son. But I have selfish reasons. My youngest son was forced to leave this country... ...because of this Sollozzo business. ......
2020-03-24 09:57:56
【撞车】角色模仿,锁匠跟因为听到枪声吓得躲到床下女儿的对话 Like I'm gonna believe she's a fairy. So she said, "I'll prove it." So she reaches into her backpack. And she pulls out this invisible cloak. She ties it around my neck, and she tells me that it's impenetrable. You know w......
2020-03-23 11:29:26
【了不起的狐狸爸爸】角色模仿,狐狸爸爸在下水道与狐狸妈妈的对话 I don't know, but I have a possible theory. I think I have this thing where I need everybody to think I'm the greatest the quote-unquote Fantastic Mr. Fox and if they aren't completely knocked-out, dazzled, and kind of intimid......
2020-03-22 12:11:06
【居家男人】角色模仿,主角回放自己在妻子生日派对上唱的歌 Hey, hey! Today's your birthday? Wow, your birthday. It's... You're my wife. You are my wife. Today is your birthday. Well, actually, I do have one thing that I want to say to you. And God, I hope you like it. # Many guys have c......
2020-03-21 13:07:12
【狮子王】角色模仿,木法沙跟辛巴解释如何当狮子王 Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and rise with you as the new king. Everything you see exists together, in a deli......
Tony Rong English



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本站 由 Tony Rong 于2013年07月22日创建