I + Everything

I + Everything的播放列表

  歌曲 播放次数 评论
Mirror (live jam) 55
Invisible Strings (HK demo) 125
Art and Artist (HK demo) 51
Astral Blanket (HK demo) 49
この町 This Town (live in Tokyo) 518
Unstained Hands (live in Tokyo) 593
Art vs. Artist 734
Astral Blanket (live in Tokyo) 446
Tango Til They Soar (Tom Waits cover) 404
Bliss (live in Tokyo) 437

I + Everything的留言板 ( 全部55条 )

虾仁不眨眼: 推荐一首很特别的歌 超有调调的一首歌 非常好听 鹏泊 《鲨啦啦》 http://site.douban.com/pengbo2016/?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c 2016-01-25 11:38
S范范S: 您好,我们是北京怀柔大槐树酒吧,大槐树酒吧作为怀柔所有爱摇人士的摇滚大本营,3年来积累了巨大的群众基础和媒体资源。现场,艺术,音乐,电影,旅游,书籍,美酒在这里将都被你一一发现 店内空调开放,无线网络免费接入,酒吧内代卖乐队及个人专辑 ,我们期待着贵乐队巡演的时候能考虑北京怀柔大槐树酒吧!!!! 演出咨询联系QQ:565657226 QQ群:197356840 豆瓣主办方地址:http://site.douban.com/199622/ 2015-10-13 19:28
Kansin: 有没有人能发布和翻译歌词? 2015-07-01 09:29
安铉: Nice to see you in xiamen,your original songs sounds so great that I really like it.I hope I can join you after I finish my education.Please take me with you to travel the whole world. 2013-07-19 13:19
何强大: March on xiamen alone, meet you, in your guitar. I'm sorry, so long didn't pay attention to your douban, like your music. Come on, your trip. Come on, your music. 2013-06-27 22:22
乱跑乐队: Nice show at Suburbia last night, dude! 2013-06-09 09:43
Dear笨: 没有我上次在曾厝垵那家客栈门口听到你弹唱的那首诶 2013-06-05 00:24
Lyla: Oh,embarrassing!It's "surprise"^_^ 2013-05-13 00:19
Lyla: Hi,I saw you this afternoon.You carried a guitar and were talking with your friend.It's a suprise to see you in ShangHai. I'm Lyla.Do you still remember me? By the way,I really like your music. 2013-05-12 23:41
炫舞水晶: Thanks for your tonight show, it's impressive. I will go to Xiamen 鼓浪屿 next month. Hope to have the opportunity to see your team and great show. 2013-05-11 23:22
I + Everything

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  • S范范S
  • Kansin
  • 木有肉的小馄饨


本站 由 狐斯塔夫 于2012年06月12日创建