
carlos__li 2013-03-14 16:46:58
官方表示,七人在沙特阿拉伯遭到处决,尽管联合国专家和人权组织对此进行上诉。 目击者表示,行刑队在艾卜哈南部城市枪击他们——按照惯例,并不是斩首。 这些人组织犯罪集团、持械抢劫珠宝店,在2009年被判处死刑。 周二,联合国一独立专家组力劝沙特当局不要进行处决。 他们对指控表示关注,称对Sarhan al-Mashaikh, Sae......

carlos__li 2013-03-11 18:09:57
内容简介······ The Autobiography of Malcolm X is a 1965 book about the life of human rights activist Malcolm X (1925–1965). Journalist Alex Haley wrote the book based on more than 50 in-depth interviews he conducted with Malcolm X between 1963 and the activist's February 1965 assassination....... (1回应)

carlos__li 2013-03-11 18:02:16
内容简介······ Book description: A re-creation of the life of the author’s grandmother, a mustang breaker, schoolteacher, ranch wife and mother of two who grew up in the Southwest in the early 20th century, by the author of “The Glass Castle.” ”Those old cows knew trouble was coming be......

carlos__li 2013-03-11 16:11:08
内容简介······ In the latter part of the eighteenth century the Quaker minister John Woolman journeyed and preached throughout the American colonies. His Journal, a recognized American classic, portrays an ethical sensitivity comparable to St. Francis of Albert Schweitzer; and his keen sense......

carlos__li 2013-03-11 16:05:32
内容简介······ Originally published between 1909 and 1917 under the name "Harvard Classics," this stupendous 51-volume set-a collection of the greatest writings from literature, philosophy, history, and mythology-was assembled by American academic CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT (1834-1926),......

carlos__li 2013-03-11 15:51:12
内容简介······ 亨利·亚当斯的教育:一个培养了两代美国总统的家庭 本书曾于1919年获普利策奖,自问世以来,一版再版,并被译成多国文字,广为流传,经久不衰,唯中文译本,尚是首次推出。亨利·亚当斯为美国著名历史学家,先后就读、执教于哈佛大学,曾任美国历史学会主席。他出身于声名显赫的总统世家。他以第三......

carlos__li 2013-03-11 15:46:41

carlos__li 2013-03-11 15:43:24
内容简介······ 《北回归线》是米勒的第一部自传体小说,也是他出版的第一本书。此书以回忆录的形式写就,米勒在书中追忆他同几位作家、艺术家朋友在巴黎度过的一段日子,旨在通过诸如工作、交谈、宴饮、嫖妓等超现实主义和自然主义的夸张、变形生活细节描写揭示人性,探究青年人如何在特定环境中将自己造就成艺术...... (1回应)

carlos__li 2013-03-11 15:38:00
内容简介······ Review by Lance Kirby These writings are 100% essential to have as a basis for understanding Western civilization. The description of Sparta here is the benchmark. Understanding the modern issues of culture and development can be made much richer by reading the laws of Solon......

carlos__li 2013-03-11 15:34:24
内容简介······ Augustine's 'Confessions' is among the most important books ever written. One of the first autobiographical works in the modern sense, it also represents the first time a psychological and theological enterprise were combined. It also helps to bridge the gap between the Classi......

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