
刘皓 2015-10-08 21:24:21
SONG 歌谣 The naked weeping girl is thinking of my name turning my bronze name over and over with the thousand fingers of her body anointing her shoulders with the remembered odour of my skin 那位赤裸哭泣的女孩 想着我的名字 翻转着我青铜制的名字 一遍遍 用她身体的千指 用我肌肤铭记的气味 在她肩上擦拭 ......

刘皓 2015-09-25 14:38:36
These heroics 史诗 if i had a shining head and people turned to stare at me in the street cars; and i could stretch my body through the bright water and keep abreast of fish and water snakes; if i could ruin my feathers in flight before the sun; do you think that i would remain in this room, re......

刘皓 2015-08-31 09:11:48
when this American woman 当这美国女人 when this American woman, whose thighs are bound in casual red cloth, comes thundering past my sitting-place like a forest-burning Mongol tribe, the city is ravished and brittle buildings of a hundred years splash into the street; and my eyes are burnt for the ......

刘皓 2015-08-06 11:31:58
Song of Patience 容忍之歌 For a lovely instant I thought she would grow mad and end the reason's fever. but in her hand she held christ's splinter, so I could only laugh and press a warm coin across her seasoned breasts: but I remembered clearly then your insane letters and how you wove initials i......

刘皓 2015-04-30 11:36:41
CITY CHRIST 城市基督 He has returned from countless wars, Blinded and hopelessly lame. He endures the morning streetcars And counts ages in a Peel Street room. 他从数不清的战争中回来, 瞎了也彻底瘸了。 他忍耐清晨的有轨电车 在卑利街一间屋内数着岁月。 He is kept in his place like a court jew,【1】 T......

刘皓 2015-04-27 17:24:25
ITEM Let the still-born eagle demonstrate how he avoided the arrow with it's predicament of death:his closed eyes, his half-formed feathers. Let him teach how wise was his early death,how the hunter paused only a moment in the narrow path and would not waste his arm to cool the quick dying warmth.......

刘皓 2015-03-26 09:15:37
THE SPARROWS 麻雀 Catching winter in their carved nostrils the traitor birds have deserted us, leaving only the dullest brown sparrows for spring negotiations。 冬捕在切开的鼻孔里 背叛的鸟离我们而去 只留下迟钝棕色的麻雀 等待春天的谈判。 I told you we were fools to have them in our games, but you......

刘皓 2015-01-14 10:00:51
Pioneers 拓荒者 After one furious year you thought you could come back with singing armies, to cheer the landscape and startle old streams. But someone's bulldozers had heaved the river aside and fish screamed against fossils in the drying sand. 狂怒的一年之后 你以为你能回来 随着歌唱的军队, 为景......

刘皓 2015-01-01 16:08:26
Rededication【1】 再奉献 A painful rededication,this Spring, like the building of cathedrals between wars, and masons at decayed walls; and we are almost too tired to begin again with miracles and leaves and lingering on steps in sudden sun; 这个春天,痛苦的再次奉献, 像在战争中建造一座大教堂......

刘皓 2014-12-30 10:19:53
Rites 仪式 Bearing gifts of flowers and sweet nuts the family came to watch the eldest son, my father;and stood about his bed while he lay on a blood-sopped pillow, his heart half rotted and his throat dry with regret. And it seemed so obvious,the smell so present, quiet so necessary, but my ......