
刘皓 2015-10-27 16:21:59
Travel 旅行 Loving you, flesh to flesh, I often thought Of travelling penniless to some mud throne Where a master might instruct me how to plot My life away from pain, to love alone In the bruiseless embrace of stone and lake. 深爱着你,肉体相对,我常想 身无分文地旅行到某个泥土王座 兴许那的主...... (2回应)

刘皓 2014-07-13 10:52:50
It Is Late Afternoon 午后 It is late afternoon. I have put Beethoven on. It is foolish to impute pain to the intense sky but that is what I have done. And I will impute loneliness t......

刘皓 2014-07-13 10:50:06
I Wonder How Many People in This City 我想知道多少人在这座城市 I wonder how many people in this city live in furnished rooms. Late at night when I look out at the buildings I swear I see a face in every window looking back at me, ......

刘皓 2014-07-13 10:15:34
You All in White 你一身白衣 Whatever cities are brought down, I will always bring you poems, and the fruit of orchards I pass by. 无论城市是否被推倒 我会一直带给你诗篇 和每当我路过 果园的水果 Strangers in your bed, excluded ......

刘皓 2014-07-13 10:13:29
There Are Some Men There are some men who should have mountains to bear their names to time. 有一些男人 他们以群山 承担他们的名字让时间去考验 Grave-markers are not high enough or green, and sons go far away to lose the fist their father's hand will always seem. 墓碑不够高 不......

刘皓 2014-07-13 09:09:12
If it Were Spring If it were Spring and I killed a man, I would change him to leaves and hang him from a tree, a tree in a grove at the edge of a dune, where small beasts came to flee the sun. Wind would make him part of song, and rain would cling like tiny crystal w......

刘皓 2014-07-13 09:06:55
The Flowers that I Left in the Ground The flowers that I left in the ground, that I did not gather for you, today I bring them all back, to let them grow forever, not in poems or marble, but where they fell and rotted. And the ships in their great stalls, huge and transitory as......

刘皓 2014-07-13 09:04:02
Gift You tell me that silence is nearer to peace than poems but if for my gift I brought you silence (for I know silence) you would say This is not silence this is another poem and you would hand it back to me. 礼物 你告诉我沉默 比诗更接近于安宁 但如果因为我的礼物 带给...... (3回应)

刘皓 2014-07-13 08:56:58
After the Sabbath Prayers After the Sabbath prayers The Baal Shem's butterfly Followed me down the hill. Now the Baal Shem is dead These hundreds of years And a butterfly ends its life In three flag-swept days. So this was a miracle, Dancing down all these wars and truces Yell......

刘皓 2014-07-13 08:56:26
A Kite Is a Victim 风筝是牺牲品 翻译:刘皓 A kite is a victim you are sure of. You love it because it pulls gentle enough to call you master, strong enough to call you fool; because it lives like a desperate trained falcon in the high sweet air, and you can always haul it down ......