
刘皓 2015-11-17 17:17:14
EXODUS 出埃及 From coastal towns, where the sky innocently begins a hopeless journey, came reports of unmarked stars ruining schedules and confusing fishing-men; and now it has come out some northern weather-keepers in their secret journals recorded the arrangement of a new constellation; but we we......

刘皓 2015-11-13 22:55:01
SAVIORS 救世主 The Roman sport of crucifixion【1】 casts across the lands and oceans an old heavy shadow which has grown into all the graves【2】 罗马钉十字架刑罚的消遣 让大地和海洋蒙上了 一个古老沉重的阴影 并潜进所有的坟墓内 In the valleys men review their people's documents and parties are dispa......

刘皓 2015-11-12 22:33:28
'JUST THE WORST TIME' “最坏的时光” This year time was long between old gardeners tending black-yellow heaps of smouldering leaves and glowing children armoured in Red River coats and muffler-turns--- and so as nude girls discovered bathing, stricken,somehow unable to cover the......

刘皓 2015-11-10 15:08:48
STORY 故事 She tells me a child built her house one Spring afternoon, but that the child was killed crossing the street. 她告诉我一个孩子搭建她的房子 在一个春日的午后, 但那孩子 在穿过街道时被撞死。 She says she read it in the newspaper, that at the corner of this and this avenue a child was run d......

刘皓 2015-11-09 22:27:17
LES VIEUX 老人们 Northeastern Lunch, with rotting noses and tweed caps, huddling in thick coats and mumbling confidential songs to ancient friends-- the public men of Montreal; 东北的午餐馆 有着腐烂的鼻子和戴着花呢帽子的人, 紧裹着厚厚的外套 咕噜着秘密的歌曲 给他们年老的朋友—— 那些蒙特利尔......

刘皓 2015-11-09 21:51:46
WARNING 警告 If your neighbour disappears O if your neighbour disappears The quiet man who raked his lawn The girl who always took the sun 如果你的邻居失踪了 如果你的邻居失踪了 安静的男人耙着草地 那女孩总是晒着太阳 Never mention it to your wife Never say at dinner time Whatever happened to that ma......

刘皓 2015-11-09 21:42:57
THE FLY 苍蝇 In his black armour the house-fly marched the field of Freia's sleeping thighs, undisturbed by the soft hand which vaguely moved to end his exercise. 在他黑色的铠甲里 家蝇在弗莱雅 沉睡大腿的田野中游荡, 柔软的手没有惊扰 茫然地移动 停止了他的动作。 And it ruined my day-- this......

刘皓 2015-11-09 09:55:19
JINGLE 打油诗 To show the fat brain rotting like stumps of brown teeth in an old bright throat is the final clever thrill of summer lads all dead with love. So here is mine, torn and stretched for the sun, to be used for a drum or a tambourine, to be scratched with poetry by Kafka's machine. 来看......

刘皓 2015-11-09 08:52:45
ON CERTAIN INCREDIBLE NIGHTS 在些难以置信的夜晚 On certain incredible nights, when your flesh is drenched with moon And the windows are wide open; Your breasts are sculptured From the soft inside of darkness And your belly a fragment of a great bright flask. Thank-God a peninsula of sheet across yo......

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